

” Our belonging to the earth, our love for its fruits, and our intact traditions, centuries long.”

We have said to ourselves many times that we have to put our soul in things to make the most of them.It is a gift of those who know the passion, ethics, and authenticity of doing well what they love. This is what SETTEANIME is all about: our belonging to the earth, our love for its fruits, and our traditions, intact and centuries long. From Nature, we learned how to cherish time in the changing pattern of the seasons that slip on the banks of the Piave River. We learned the importance of slowing down and the loving patience in waiting for something as it grows. Walking along the unpredictable course of the Piave with its clear and sparkling waters, we have learned that great results follow from the attention to detail – from the love for the diversity of each plant and the special care they require. Vine and Life are words that share the same root in Italian – ‘Vita’ and ‘Vite’ – perhaps for their natural instinct to resist, their tenacity to hold on to a grip, and to make their way into life. We are Seven Souls, cheerfully sincere, open, and generous as our harvest is. Sweet, intense, robust, and delicate, we are always proud of our heritage. In our story, through our eyes, you will find our roots – a vivid voice speaking of vineyards, wine, and life.


SETTEANIME is not only a name, it’s a time and place where seven brothers and sisters come together across far distances. It’s a beautiful dining table where we share stories, good food and a glass of wine that represents who we are

We have been working between Italy and the United States for years, learning the beauty of diversity and the importance of cultivating it, as well as the power of Nature appearing in its vast landscapes. As time passes, we love our land more and more intensely; as we take care of it, we rediscover the strength of our heritage.

Through our vineyards, in our wine, we truly find the sense of Life, the blessing of Love – something there is no coming back from, as always happens when hearts run in the same direction.

Sette Anime non è solo un nome: è un luogo che vede riuniti sette fratelli, un tempo dello stare insieme nonostante le distanze e i voli aerei, un tavolo imbandito attorno a cui condividere racconti, buon cibo, e il vino che parla di noi.

E nel contempo, ci ritroviamo ora ad amare ancora più intensamente la nostra terra, a prendercene cura, a scoprire di nuovo la forza delle radici, la complessità delle stagioni.

Tra le nostre vigne, nel nostro vino, ritroviamo il senso della Vita, il consenso dell’Amore – qualcosa da cui non si torna indietro, come accade con tutto ciò che muove i cuori verso un’unica meta.


Molte volte ci siamo detti che per vivere a fondo bisogna metterci l’Anima.
E’ un dono di chi conosce la passione, l’etica, l’autenticità nel fare bene ciò che si ama.
Sette Anime è tutto questo: una storia di appartenenza alla Terra, di amore verso i suoi frutti, di tradizioni centenarie e intatte.
Abbiamo imparato dalla Natura il rispetto del tempo, nel susseguirsi delle stagioni che scivolano sulle rive del Fiume Sacro.  L’importanza di non avere fretta. La pazienza affettuosa di chi attende qualcosa che cresce.
Abbiamo imparato dal cammino accanto alle acque limpide e imprevedibili che i grandi risultati si misurano nell’attenzione al dettaglio, nell’amore per la diversità di ogni pianta, nelle cure speciali che ognuna richiede. Vite e Vita portano nel nome le stesse radici, forse per quel loro innato desiderio di resistere, la tenacia che le fa aggrappare ad ogni appiglio e farsi strada nel mondo.
Siamo Sette Anime felicemente oneste, aperte e generose come il nostro raccolto: dolce, intenso, robusto o delicato, sempre orgoglioso delle proprie origini.
Nella semplicità di questo racconto, attraverso i nostri sguardi,  ritroverete le nostre radici –  la voce chiara di una storia di vigne, di vino, di Vita.


Across the River and into the Trees…

This is the title Ernest Hemingway gave to the memoirs of the time he spent in our lands, first as a soldier and then as a writer. Our vineyards lie on the same banks where the river flows placidly through smooth pebbles and silver poplars. Deep in nature, these places have been the site of great battles, while also providing a homeland and image of peace to many. Many have returned to these places after wandering lives. Here the pages of the great Twentieth-century writers, from Ernest Hemingway to Goffredo Parise, still resonate.

Our vineyards run through these alluvial lands, which are unique in their nature. The stony soil, composed of half loam and sand, is dry and highly draining, which is perfect for creating white wines of an excellent aroma and grade of salinity. The red vines grow a short distance away, where the soil becomes more compacted and clayey. Full-body and structured, these wines speak of strong ties, as well as the dedicated effort necessary to grow them.

Nestled between the lagoon of Venice and the sweet hills of Treviso, this land tells the story of each of us. The unique aroma of this land is like a gift whose intensity is revealed in every single bunch of grapes.
With our wine, we want you to taste a glimpse of this country – of its scent.
This is our land’s emotion – a land that, once experienced, you will never forget.

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